songs about misfits & impostors.

You are invited
You are invited to join me, Saturday, September 7 at 8 pm for a concert at the Bop Stop in Cleveland, Ohio to celebrate the completion of my new album, “Murder of Crows”. Recorded last year in a Nashville studio, this album has taken me into the next stage of my growth as an artist — branching beyond the piano-driven singer-songwriter material that I’m known for toward a more intricately arranged full-band sound which I will bring to life on stage for you with drums, bass, guitar, keyboard and saxophone.
Tickets can be purchased directly from my website: They are not available through the Bop Stop or through a ticket agency. $27 includes admission, a download and/or physical copy of the new album, a $7 voucher at my merch store (t-shirts, tote bags, mugs, etc.) and an exclusive invite to the shoot for my music video where you can be an extra!
I am also offering 4 tickets for the price of 3, so please chase down your friends and place your order! Each person in your party receives all the perks: the album, the voucher, the video shoot. $27 for one ticket, $81 for four tickets ($20.25 per person). The Bop Stop is an intimate, small venue so please get your tickets in advance (and soon). “Standing room” is not going to be a thing at this event and there is a decent chance we are going to sell out.
-Special Bonus-
Please drop in on Thursday, 15 August between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm at Spotlight Cleveland, a Cleveland-music-themed bar in the Cudell neighborhood. I am hosting a reception to kick off the whole promotion cycle for the album. It is intended to be an informal “happy hour” meet-and-greet. There is no cover charge and this is not a private event. Though we will play the album in its entirety as background music, it isn’t a quiet listening evening. It’s a time for socializing: the very first time any of my new music will be heard in public. Please join us! Spotlight has some wonderful adjoining outdoor space. Should be delightful out there if the weather is like normal Cleveland summer weather.
-Brian Bacon
For a short “highlight reel” of the new music, visit